Friday, May 05, 2006

Baylor Sets Top Bar Passage Rate for Texas

Almost 98.9 per cent of Baylor Law School students passed the Texas Bar Exam this year, giving Baylor once again the highest bar passage rate of any Texas law school.

62 of the 64 Baylor students who took the February exam passed.

364 students from law schools across the state took the bar exam. 305 passed, making for an average statewide passage rate of 83.8 per cent.

Brad Toben, Dean of Baylor Law School, said that credit for the School's long record of high bar passage rates should go to the faculty and staff who prepare Baylor students to succeed on the exam. "I am very proud of their work with our students, which is so effective," Toben was quoted as saying in a Baylor press release. "The investment that they make in our students not only prepares them for great accomplishment, but also, very importantly, inures to the benefit of our profession and the public."

Source: "Baylor Law Tops Another Bar Exam Pass Rate." Press release, Baylor University (Waco, Texas), May 4, 2006.


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