The Arthur Liman Public Interest Program at Yale Law School will hold its ninth annual colloquium on March 30 and 31.
The colloquium takes place in a period of expansion, growing diversity and a weaving together of Yale Law School not only with its undergraduate counterpart, Yale College, but also with several other leading universities and colleges, including Brown, Harvard, Princeton, Barnard and Spelman.
With fellowships to undergraduates for summer work in public interest and funding to Yale Law graduates to work for underserved populations, the Liman Program is a unique, intergenerational effort to build a community of concerned advocates focused on public service....
The seven new Yale Law School Fellows, to serve in 2006–2007:
Alice Chapman, a 2003 graduate, will serve her fellowship at the Immigrants’ Rights Project of the ACLU in New York.
Sameera Fazili, to graduate in 2006, will spend her fellowship year at Shorebank in Chicago, working with their affiliate Northern Initiatives to create a consortium of community development financial institutions in an innovative effort to raise investment capital for people with limited access to such funds.
Paige Herwig, also graduating in 2006, will work at the National Women’s Law Center in Washington, DC, where she will focus on state regulation of pharmacies, exploring ways to improve access to contraception.
Anna Rich, a 2003 graduate, will spend her fellowship year at the National Senior Citizens’ Law Center in Oakland, CA, to advocate for individuals with disabilities and for low-income seniors affected by Medicare’s new prescription drug plan.
Larry Schwartztol, a 2005 graduate, will hold the Program’s first joint fellowship, co-sponsored by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School; he will be a part of its Democracy Program and direct his efforts towards reform of state felony disenfranchisement laws and the enforcement of state voting rights for individuals with criminal convictions.
Marc Silverman, graduating in 2006, will spend his fellowship year at Advocates for Children in New York, where he will work on behalf of older youth with disabilities as they make the transition from schools to employment, post-secondary education, training programs and independent living.
Charisa Smith, a 2005 graduate, will begin a new project at JustChildren in Richmond, VA, where her focus will be on juvenile parolees in need of legal assistance to obtain housing, education, health care, mentoring and vocational training. She hopes to establish centers that will provide a range of services for this population.